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Stress and burnout in numbers

1 in 7 workers suffer from burnout complaints that is 1.3 million people with burnout symptoms 


11 million days a year that workers are sick at home due to work stress and work pressure


37% of employees indicate that work pressure or work stress is the reason for their work-related absence


42% of employees believe that measures are needed to combat work stress


4 out of 10 employees think their employer does not feel responsible for their mental health


I would like to bring attention to my well-being programs of Mindful Week (MW) and Mindful Month (MM) for your company. I believe that the well-being of employees is crucial for the success of a business. Therefore, I offer a range of activities aimed at improving the well-being of employees. 

My programs MW and MM which are perform onsite consists of mental, physical, and informative activities. You can choose and combine which activities would you like to take part of. Each activity duration is 1 hour.


Activities are:


Posture and Movement - lectures on P. and M. in workplace and life in general based on most recent research studies and knowledge. Separating facts from fictions. Giving better insight into amazing world of the human body and what can be reach with it.


Nutrition and Diet - lecture about N. and D. based on most recent research studies and knowledge. Difference between them. Facts vs fictions. Educating to help people make better nutritional and diet choices.


Mindful movements - lesson where main focus is on being fully mindful of every movement combine with breathing exercises and visualisation. Movements are easy to follow, soft and light for all levels, from complete non-fitness person up to professional athletes.


• Sound Bath - this immersive experience involves lying down or sitting and being bathed in a symphony of frequencies and vibrations. The sound vibrations produced by Gongs can penetrate deep into our bodies, releasing tension, promoting deep relaxation and create meditative state.


Mindfulness - lecture with two parts, theoretical and practical. Theoretical part would give an introduction and explanation what it is and what it is not. Practical part is easy follow guided meditation to become more present in now, and thus get glimpse of what it is in practice.


• Group Lifestyle coaching - informative coaching in a group setting to provide helping tips and tricks, based on different cognitive and mental strategies. Sharing the techniques and tools which could help in transformations of one's perceptions and beliefs which holds them back in further development.


All these activities are designed to reduce stress, work pressure, injuries, and to help people make better choices in their lives. I am convinced that my well-being programs will contribute to a positive and productive work environment for your employees.


I would be happy to provide you with more information about my programs.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact me.

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Activity + Competence + Motivation = Result

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