''There is no such thing as hitting rock bottom, as long as you live you always can fall deeper''
''Let that sink in''
I am not here to change your life, because I can not do that. Nobody can, except You. As long as you are not ready, don't want to, not willing to take responsibility for your life, does not matter what I say, what kind of tips I give you, you will not move forward. My life experiences teach me that the change is within us. The pure, honest willingness needs to be in place to start walking the path of transformation. On this path there are no short cuts or quick fixes. It is the rest of the life path, try and error sort journey. I will not promise you or give some guarantee of easy going ride, no, not at all. Honestly,it is far from that. This is very bumpy, frustrating, emotional, angry, irritating ride. But that's how it is when you start breaking old habits, seeing your shadows, hearing your demons. The beginnings are the hardest, but more we do the easier it become. I myself walk this path everyday. Working with my shadows, facing my demons, diving deep within myself to touch the soul. This journey we never can walk alone. I have my own coaches who help me when path become dimmed, and I start feeling a bit lost.
I am open to support you and guide you on your own journey as long and as far you let me.